Characterization and aging study of protein-based binders pictorial

Author: Nicola M.; Typology:Degree dissertation

Licence: CreativeCommons CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 ; Year: 2004; Language: Italian

Download pdf (4.111 Kb) On-line publication date: 23/12/2011

This work is a study on the characterization of protein materials used in painting and on issues related to their aging and degradation. This study was conducted in laboratory on ad hoc artificial samples according to traditional recipes.The materials' transformations, due to the artificial aging, were investigated through the use of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) of films prepared in the laboratory while the characterization of proteins related to cultural heritage was carried out with the on Line Gas Chromatography mass Spectrometry (Py-GC-MS). In particular, they are considered useful parameters to improve the performance of these techniques in the study of protein material of historic and artistic interest.


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