Treatise on the paint commonly called Chinese

Author: Padre Filippo Bonanni ; Typology: ancient book

Licence: CreativeCommons CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 ; Year: 1786;  Language:  ancient Italian

Download pdf (24.645 Kb)  on-line publication date: 23/12/2011

The "Treatise on the paint commonly called Chinese" is considered the first treaty written about paints. The book was written in the eighteenth century by Father Filippo Bonanni and represents the most comprehensive and important study on "Chinese lacquer" in Europe. The text is a valuable source for all scholars and professionals who work with painted and lacquered  works of art between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Another version is available on the market, written in modern Italian, Cremonabooks publisher (translation by Vincenzo Gheroldi). 


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