Restoration of the colonnade

Author: Parente Margherita ; Typology: Tesi di Laurea di primo livello dell'Accademia delle Belle Arti di Cuneo

Licence: CreativeCommons CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 ; Year: 2014; Language: italiano

Download pdf ( 18.625 Kb)                                            On-line publication date: 28/02/2012

  The key word of renovator's life is experience. Experience in the working field as
possibility to know new people, experience in the eternal city, experience as mean to
acquire safety and ability in the employment of tools. How formation of the individual
tried in to touch with hand the stone and to feel the history like an unmistakable soul,
experience like it also seeks scientific element it accomplice in to constitute an able
person. Ability in to know how to recognize an artist like the Bernini founder of an
epoch, of a symbol for the whole world. To belong to a team able to stimulate you and
to drive you. To be in the yard. Experience is constituted therefore from all these
things that feed a passion.      



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